Thomas "Tommy" Oliver ( Jason David Frank) is the Green Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.Retrieved September 8, 2022.Zack Taylor Chronological List of Green Rangers "Dino Run 2 is a procedurally generated 2D runner with plenty of dinosaurs". ^ Cunningham, James (January 24, 2018).^ Farokhmanesh, Megan (December 7, 2013)."Dino Run 2 Kickstarter couldn't outrun extinction".

"Pixeljam takes to Kickstarter to fund Dino Run 2". "Extinction escape sim Dino Run 2 announced for PC, mobile". "Indiesaurus: Dino Run 2's Indie Guests". David's Indie Roundup: Dino Run 2, Elliot Quest, Final Exam, and Jazzpunk". David's Indie Roundup: Contrast, Girl and the Robot, Resogun, and more". "Geek-Offs: Lasers, Dinos and Muffin Quests To Click Your Mind Off Not Being at E3". "Dino Run DX Pay-What-You-Want in Support of Dino Run 2 on Kickstarter". ^ Cunningham, James (February 14, 2018)."Dino Run DX's New Freerun Mode Lets You Chill With Dinos". ^ Priestman, Chris (January 28, 2016)."Indie Adventures: PixelJAM and Dino Run". "Dino Run, Or How Space Rocks > Giant Lizards".